What's Happening At BHS week of 1/24/11

 The word for the Month is SNOW!!!!  Interspersed between snow storms, we have been trying to get our MidYear Exams completed.  It looks like we caught a break in the timing of this week's third storm, and we will finish the exams Wed.  In theory, the 3rd quarter will begin on Thursday.   I love Snow, but even for a snow lover, like myself, enough is enough.  My house is leaking, and my driveway has 5 foot piles of snow on either side!   The chemistry of salting the surfaces of roads has really taken on new meaning as the temperature has only risen above freezing a few days this whole month.  Global Warming Hah!
The Grading Portal should have quarter 2 grades and Exam grades by Feb. 2 or 3, and parents without access to the portal should request a paper report card from the main office.   Next week there will be a early release for a Teacher Inservice (cancelled because of snow) .  Well, my class is anxiously waiting for their exam - the final exam of the week.

Submitted by webmaster on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 7:43am categories [ ]