What's Happening at BHS week of 12/13/10

In the words of Sean Connery - James Bond, Never say Never Again.  We are once again printing a paper progress report for parents.  This will be the "last" time we will print paper copies for all students.  Trust me . . . we will "Never Again" print them.  Well, only time will tell, but for the moment, we will print the "Last" progress reports later this week and send them home with the students - just in time for the holidays.  The printed progress reports should include updated grades, and be different than the reports that were printed or checked online two weeks ago.
In other news, the Broadcast Journalism Class has produced some new pieces on student life at BHS.  The first one, featuring the drama club's performance of the Wizard of Oz, will be posted later today.  The boys sports officially kick off their season this week, following the girls basketball teams opening last week.   I've got lots of shopping and correcting to do, so this will have to be it for this week.
Submitted by webmaster on Tue, 12/14/2010 - 11:30am categories [ ]