New Automated Lunch Payment System Coming Week of Sept 20

 The food services department of Berlin Public Schools will implement a new computerized "Point of Sale" system at Berlin High School.  NutriKids will be providing the service to the Town of Berlin.  Using this system, parents may deposit monies, "on account" for their children, to use for lunch in the cafeteria.  The system is set to begin operation the week of Sept. 20.  Anyone wishing to start an account and begin using the system, should follow the instructions on the attached document or go directly to and get started right away.  Cash will still be accepted, but students with an account will be able to purchase lunch using only their School ID number.  Anyone who has forgotten their ID number, may get it from an old report card, progress report, student schedule, or by asking at the main office.
PointOfSale.doc61.5 KB
Submitted by webmaster on Wed, 09/15/2010 - 12:37pm